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Nese do te kerkosh te dhenat e tua ne komjuter Microsoft ka "shpikur" nje menyre per te te bere te ndjehesh me i sigurte.Po po duke marre rezultatet e kerkimeve te bera ne komjuterin tend nga ty.
"In the "Advanced filesystem implementor's guide" series, Daniel Robbins shows you how to use the latest filesystem technologies in Linux 2.4. Along the way, he shares valuable practical implementation advice, performance information, and important technical notes so that your new filesystem experience is as pleasant as possible. In this article, Daniel gives an update on the status of the XFS, ReiserFS, and ext3 filesystems, sharing his experiences as Chief Architect of Gentoo Linux. In addition, he outlines how these various filesystems will continue to improve over the next six months to a year."
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