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Siti i Slackware Down!

AlbLinux's picture

U bene me shume se dy dite qe siti zyrtar i shperndarjes se mirenjohur Linux,, eshte i paarritshem. Mesa duket shkaktar eshte nje sulm DoS, qe ka vazhduar gati dy dite.
Ja çfare mund te lexohet nga slack-current changelogs te 13.12.02:

" As many of you have noticed, the website is not online. We offer our apologies, but we've been the target of DoS attacks for a few days. We're investigating the problem, but can't give an estimate of when the site will return. If anyone has any additional information that might be helpful to us in tracking down the source of these attacks, please email us at Thanks for your patience."

Sigurisht, mezi presim qe gjithçka te sistemohet sa me pare.