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PHP-Nuke 6.0 Released

AlbLinux's picture

Dje u lëshua zyrtarisht versioni 6.0 i portalit të mirënjohur PHP-Nuke. Lëshimi u krye, sipas taktikës së "re" të FB, fillimisht për anëtarët pagues të Klubit të PHP-Nuke. Për publikun e gjërë downloads do të hapen vetëm të hënën që vjen. Ja shpallja e versionit të ri, shkëputur nga siti zyrtar i PHP-Nuke:

"PHP-Nuke 6.0 has been finally released. A very hard work finished today for this great version. It has many, many new features and a lot of bugs fixed. New automatic invisible installation process has been added (just copy and browse), new configuration system, webmail and journal modules added, a lot of improvements over the version 5.6. Not too much to say, just login to your Club's account and grab it. It will be released to the public on next monday. Hope you like and have fun using it. Thanks to all Club's members for their support!"