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Lëshohet GNOME 3

laurenti's picture

Groton, MA, April 6 2011: Today, the GNOME Desktop project released GNOME 3.0, its most significant redesign of the computer experience in nine years. A revolutionary new user interface and new features for developers make this a historic moment for the free and open source desktop.

Within GNOME 3, GNOME Shell reimagines the user interface for the next generation of the desktop. This innovative interface allows users to focus on tasks while minimizing distractions such as notifications, extra workspaces, and background windows.

Jon McCann, one of GNOME Shell's designers, says of the design team, "we've taken a pretty different approach in the GNOME 3 design that focuses on the desired experience and lets the interface design follow from that." The result: "With any luck you will feel more focused, aware, effective, capable, respected, delighted, and at ease." GNOME Shell aims to "help us cope with modern life in a busy world. Help us connect, stay on track, feel at ease and in control." GNOME Shell, he says, will keep users "informed without being disrupted."

The GNOME 3 development platform includes improvements in the display backend, a new API, improvements in search, user messaging, system settings, and streamlined libraries. GNOME 2 applications will continue to work in the GNOME 3 environment without modification, allowing developers to move to the GNOME 3 environment at their own pace. The GNOME 3 release notes include further details.

Matt Zimmerman, Ubuntu CTO at Canonical, praises GNOME 3: "In the face of constant change, both in software technology itself and in people's attitudes toward it, long-term software projects need to reinvent themselves in order to stay relevant. I'm encouraged to see the GNOME community taking up this challenge, responding to the evolving needs of users and questioning the status quo." ...


Anonim's picture

Përshëndetje Laurent,

nuk e kam përdorur edhe smendoj se do e përdor por më kujton shum KDE :/ , nuk e di pse por më jep përshtypjen që është po aq i paqëndrueshëm..

Anonim's picture

BTW e provova per kuriozitet,

gjeje pak :|

shkon ne krash ne mbas startx , me nxorri "gabim i parregullueshem, logout" me nje ikone shume te bukur kompiuteri me ":("
Ti kthehemi seriozitetit, Linux po humbet me keto "projekte" ate qe e ka bere unik, thjeshtesine , trasparencen dhe modifikueshmerine nese egziston ne shqip.
Nga mesazhi qe pash mu kujtua windows.

2 min pa openbox dhe me mori menjehere malli :)